
提供的方法 & 机会



  • 在线捐赠 使用信用卡. 如果您愿意将您的资金捐给露西·佩特雷基金或玛娜·帕利基金,以使AG亚游集团官方网站的教师项目受益, please write Lucy Petrey基金 or 玛娜·帕利基金 in the memo line.
  • 把你的礼物邮寄出去. 我们鼓励您使用这个 捐赠的形式然而,这并不是必需的.
  • Contribute through your company's employee giving campaign. Almost all of these campaigns allow you to "donor designate." Simply write on your pledge card: I designate ___% of my contribution to The Education Fund, Inc.在迈阿密戴德县.
  • 捐赠股票礼品. Call Mimi Pink, vice president for development, at 305-558-4544, ext. 做出安排.
  • Consider including The Education Fund as a beneficiary in your will, or honoring a loved one. 我们很乐意为您的爱人开具证书. Call Mimi Pink, vice president for development, at 305-558-4544, ext. 做出安排.
  • 加入我们 给迈阿密一天 真正为公共教育发声.
  • All gifts from private sector donors will be matched $1 for $1, thereby doubling your gift. Matching dollars are come from the TriMix Foundation or a statewide funding pool.

无论你选择怎样捐赠, you should know the financial information you provide is confidential. We also work with you to tailor your gift in a way that creates results for our children.


捐款人有多种机会支持AG亚游集团官方网站的使命和工作. 以下是最常见的:

一般/能力建设礼物: These monetary gifts allow The Education Fund to support our general operations, both the ongoing implementation of our current programs and the development of new initiatives. 我们所有的工作都是为了影响学生的成绩,这是我们衡量的最终“利润”.

Join our Galaxy of Supporters: First Star (up to $249); North Star ($250 - $499); Polaris ($500 - $999); Perseus ($1,000 - $4,999); Centaurus ($5,000 - $9,999); Pleidades ($10,000 - $19,999); Cygnus ($20,000 - $49,999);
Orion ($50,000 - $99,999); Andromeda ($100,000 - $249,999); Phoenix ($250,000 and up).

Lucy Petrey基金 to benefit The Education Fund's teacher programs: gifts to this fund will provide sustaining support for The Education Fund's programs for teachers.

玛娜·帕利基金 to benefit The Education Fund's art programs: 捐款将持续支持AG亚游集团官方网站为学生和教师提供充满活力的艺术项目. 

项目赞助捐助者可能希望将他们的资金直接“投资”到我们运营的众多项目或倡议中的一个, 如:

  • Resources, as well as professional development, research, and networking opportunities for teachers
  • 领导项目
  • 项目 aimed at raising awareness of issues related to teacher retention and teaching quality

活动赞助: perhaps you are interested in supporting our innovative and highly visible events, 例如“既得艺术”展览, 为了对艺术的热爱 Annual Charity Auction and Public School Alumni Achievement Awards, or The Education Fund's Teach-A-Thon and 教育的味道 Victory Party. We welcome your monetary support for these unique events.

For further information on 给的机会 to support The Education Fund, 请联系米米·平克, 发展副总裁, at 305-558-4544, ext. 116. We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for considering a gift!

官方注册和财务信息的副本可以通过拨打免费电话1-800-help-fla或850-488-221从佛罗里达州以外的消费者服务部门获得. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE.